"Small data" refers to a rising paradigm in modern wireless networks, pointing to information exchanged by a massive number of smart devices and sensors in the broad context of machine-type communications. Small data sets span from metering data and status reports to remote commands and data generated and transmitted within the IoT. They are generally produced by a myriad of devices which access the communication infrastructure sporadically, generating a massive amount of short packets that have to be received with high reliability, exploiting the available spectrum resources efficiently even in absence of coordination. In such a framework, the design of network protocols departs from conventional approaches used for predictable, persistent, and coordinated data sources. Major changes have to be applied to the physical and the medium access control (MAC) layers to account for the sporadic and uncoordinated nature of the transmissions, touching all basic aspects: from signal detection, channel estimation, coding and modulation up to the medium sharing policies and possibly involving the higher layers of the communication stack. While traditional protocols are designed to avoid interference, in recent years several innovative developments have been proposed, such as physical layer network coding and various techniques based on successive interference cancellation (SIC), where interference is embraced and creatively utilized. These developments have opened a completely new perspective for uncoordinated multiple access protocols, paving the way to dramatic performance improvements, and rendering the throughput of interference-limited channels competitive with respect to that of systems relying on predictable data sources. This is calling for new studies on the fundamental limits as well as on finding optimal ways of designing waveform, signal-processing algorithms, error correcting schemes and access protocols, and on theoretical tools to drive the system design. Research in the field is further buttressed by clearly defined market-driven goals from the industry, in the quest for highly reliable, highly efficient, low-complexity access solutions for a massive number of devices. The road towards beyond-5G communications is only one relevant example of where upcoming research has the potential to leave a fundamental mark. The goal of this workshop is to stimulate new contributions to the topic, with emphasis on cross-layer interactions between the MAC and PHY layers of the protocol stack, as well as on the connections to coding and information theory.
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
- Fundamental limits on communications for small data sets
- Wireless access protocols for vehicular networks
- Wireless access protocols for the IoT, M2M communications and large-scale wireless sensor networks
- Efficient access schemes for very short-packet communications
- Access protocols for low-latency, ultra-reliable communications
- Signal processing for successive interference cancellation in MAC protocols
- Innovative techniques for 5G and IoT radio access networks
- Channel coding and modulation for sporadic transmission over wireless channels
- Random access protocols for real-time applicationss
- Error control coding for ultra-reliable communications
- Network coding and physical-layer network coding in multiple access schemes
- Energy efficient MAC-PHY spatial processing
- Channel estimation and user detection in massive access protocols
Technical Program
9:00 - 9:30 Welcome
9:30 - 10:30 Keynote 1
Coding and Compressed Sensing for Unsourced Multiple Access
Jean-Francois Chamberland (Texas A&M)
Currently deployed wireless access systems based on sustained connectivity, channel estimates, and scheduling policies are ill-equipped to deal with
the sporadic traffic generated by legions of unattended wireless devices. This impending technological challenge has fueled several recent research initiatives
whose shared goal is to ready wireless infrastructures for the demands of tomorrow. Pertinent recent advances in this area include the introduction of unsourced,
uncoordinated multiple-access models attuned to machine-driven communications and the assessment of their fundamental limits for messages with small payloads.
This presentation will review recent contributions on this topic and focus on a novel communication scheme, termed coded compressed sensing, for unsourced
multiple-access communication. The proposed divide-and-conquer approach leverages recent progress in compressed sensing and forward error correction to produce a
novel uncoordinated access paradigm, along with a computationally efficient decoding algorithm. Within this framework, every active device partitions its data
into several sub-blocks and, subsequently, adds redundancy using a systematic linear block code. Compressed sensing techniques are then employed to recover
sub-blocks up to a permutation of their order, and the original messages are obtained by stitching fragments together using a tree-based algorithm. The
presentation will also discuss how this conceptual architecture is influencing other efforts in the field, along with candidate future directions and open
10:30 - 11:00 Coffee Break
11:00 - 12:30 Technical Session 1
- A Polar Code Based Unsourced Random Access for the Gaussian MAC, Evgeny Marshakov (Skolkovo Institute of Science and
Technology), Gleb Balitskiy (Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology), Kirill Andreev (Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology), Alexey Frolov
(Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology)
- On the Design of Analog Fountain Codes for Short Packet Communications in 5G URLLC , Wen Jun Lim (The Universtiy of
Sydney), Mahyar Shirvanimoghaddam (The Universtiy of Sydney), Rana Abbas (The Universtiy of Sydney), Yonghui Li (The Universtiy of Sydney), Branka Vucetic (The Universtiy of
- A Novel Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access with Space-Time Line Codes for Massive IoT Networks, Ki-Hun Lee (Chungnam
National University), Jeong Seon Yeom (Chungnam National University), Bang Chul Jung (Chungnam National University), Jingon Joung (Chung-Ang University)
- An Evolved Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access For User Multiplexing with Small-Data Transmission, Qi Xiong (Samsung
Electronics), Chen Qian (Samsung Electronics), Bin Yu (Samsung Electronics), Chengjun Sun (Samsung Electronics)
- Efficient Concatenated Same Codebook Construction for the Random Access Gaussian MAC, Daria Ustinova (Skolkovo
Institute of Science and Technology), Anton Glebov (Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology), Pavel Rybin (Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology), Alexey Frolov
(Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology)
12:30 - 14:30 Lunch Break
14:30 - 15:30 Keynote 2
Kepler - Enabling IoT from Low Earth Orbit
Wen Cheng Chong (CTO Kepler Communications)
Kepler is in the early stages of building out a Low-Earth-Orbit (LEO) constellation of 140 satellites. While our first two satellites are
currently on-orbit providing wideband data backhaul utilizing Ku-spectrum, our next satellite -- and all thereafter -- will have both wideband and narrowband capabilities.
Our everywhere IoT service will launch with our lead customer, Deutsche Bahn, with a direct-to-satellite container tracking solution, with subsequent modules and solutions
already in the design phase.
During this session, Wen Cheng Chong, CTO of Kepler, will provide a brief introduction to Kepler, highlights of some of the early market opportunities identified for IoT
and why these are well-served by satellite technology, and some of the challenges the Kepler team is tackling to support IoT from LEO.
15:30 - 16:00 Coffee Break
16:00 - 17:10 Technical Session 2
- Low Complexity Energy Efficient Random Access Scheme for the Asynchronous Fading MAC, Kirill Andreev (Skolkovo
Institute of Science and Technology), Suhas S Kowshik, (Massachussetts Institute of Technology MIT), Alexey Frolov (Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology),
Yury Polyanskiy (Massachussetts Institute of Technology MIT)
- Residual Energy Optimization for MIMO SWIPT Two-Way Relaying System , Guanyi Chen (Ericsson Communications China),
Jinlong Wang (Harbin Institute of Technology), Gang Wang (Harbin Institute of Technology), Yikun Zou (Harbin Institute of Technology), Donglai Zhao (Harbin Institute of
- On the Flexible and Performance-Enhanced Radio Resource Control for 5G NR networks, Ahlem Khlass (Nokia Bell Labs),
Daniela Laselva (Nokia Bell Labs), Rauli Jarvela (Nokia Bell Labs)
- New Results in Asynchronous Scrambled Coded Multiple Access: Multi-stream Transmission and Application to 5G Small
Data Networks, Mustafa Eroz (Hughes Networks Systems, LLC), Neal Becker (Hughes Networks Systems, LLC), Rohit Seshadri (Hughes Networks Systems, LLC),
Lin-nan Less (Hughes Networks Systems, LLC)
17:10 - 17:30 Wrap Up
for Papers (PDF)
For authors
Past Editions
IEEE PIMRC SmallDataNets 2018
IEEE SPAWC SmallDataNets 2017
First DLR Workshop on Random Access and Coding
Submission deadline: July 8, 2019
Acceptance notification: July 19, 2019
Camera-ready papers: July 29, 2019
Federico Clazzer, German Aerospace Center
Andrea Munari, German Aerospace Center
Enrico Paolini, University of Bologna
International Advisory Committee
Krishna Narayanan, Texas A&M University
Petar Popovski, Aalborg University
Marco Chiani, University of Bologna
Gianluigi Liva, German Aerospace Center
Program Committee
Adnan Aijaz, Toshiba Research Europe Ltd
Leonardo Badia, University of Padova
Yan Chen, Huawei
Giuseppe Cocco, EPFL
Asaf Cohen, Ben-Gorion Univ. of the Negev
Lin Dai, City University of Hong Kong
Karina Gomez, RMIT University
Sarah J. Johnson, University of Newcastle
Soung Liew, Chinese University of Hong Kong
Rongke Liu, Beihang University
Rockey Luo, Colorado State University
Stephan Pfletschinger, Offenburg University
Yury Polyanskiy, MIT
Tony Q.S. Quek, Singapore University of T&D
Laurent Reynaud, Orange Labs
Shirin Saeedi Bidokhti, Univ. of Pennsylvania
Cedomir Stefanovic, Aalborg University
Stefano Tomasin, University of Padova
Laura Toni, University College London
Dejan Vukobratovic, University of Novi Sad
Peng Wang, KTH
Richard Wesel, UCLA
David T.C. Wong, Institute for Infocomm Res.
Zhaoyang Zhang, Zhejiang University